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Monday, December 26, 2011

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas to all of you! This is my favorite time of year so I am enjoying spending time with my family and friends. My prayer for you is that you all are also enjoying your family and friends at this special holiday.
   Because this holiday also coincides with the end of the year, we naturally turn to the idea of old things passing and new things arriving, just in time to temper the winter doldrums. Winter has just peeped into our time, so spend this time wisely for the next three months. If you are planning on changes in your personal or business life, this might be the perfect time to implement them. Keeping your goals in mind is a priority. I highly recommend visiting Dan Miller's website,, and printing out his Goals for 2012. We have several different areas in our lives and making separate goals for each area keeps us honest and focused on what is most important to us.
Perhaps you have difficulty deciding what is the most important priority in your life. Use this time to make that priority list and recognize that you are responsible for your own happiness and success. Discern your calling, if you have not already done so, and plan a new life around that calling. Keep in mind what you really want to tell people about yourself, your desires, what you have to offer to others in each area of your life. We all have a purpose in life and ways to bring our best service to make a difference in the world. This is the week to explore, write down musings, and make your plan. If you need more help, read what Dan Miller has to say. Have a wonderful time with your family and friends.
Have a terrific day!