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Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Thriving rather than surviving

Some people hate January because it's cold, dreary, no fun holidays with bright lights or romance, the nights are long and the days short. Take another look at this month and change your mind about you can accomplish.
This is the time for some quiet thought and reflection. If you didn't write your yearly goals, get them written now. Where are you and where do you want to be? How do you get where you want to be and what is your timeline? These principles apply to your physical, spiritual, financial, personal, psychological, family, business and community life. If you don't plan your life, it will slip away like quicksilver. Don't just let things happen to you, plan how you choose to live!
If you do not know how to communicate your ideas and feelings to the people around, get some help. Remember that we're never too young or too old to continue our lifelong learning.
When my daughter was in elementary school one of her teachers started the class on a project of developing a lifelong notebook. The exercise required the children to think about what they wanted to learn and what interests and passions they possessed that needed more information. Just for fun, I made my own lifelong notebook and wrote about all the things that interest me, the things I wanted to study, the skills I wanted to sharpen, and a rough road map of where  and what I wanted to be when I grow up.  I love reading those notes now and measuring my progress against my ideas. My goal this year is to continue growing and learning and to let go of things that waste my time and energy.
I hope you see that you can learn new skills, engage in interesting learning and apply everything you learn to a more informed, passionate life lived to the fullest.
Have a wonderful day!