Business and professional writing services

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Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff
(and it’s all small stuff)

   Richard Carlson wrote a useful and charming book by the title above in the 1990s. The subtitle is “Simple Ways to Keep the Little Things from Taking Over Your Life.” His advice is to stop making mountains out of molehills, whether in your personal or business life. That message could be a reminder to you every day to keep things on a simple basis. One way to make your life simpler is to seek advice and professional, technical, help with your communications. Whether you struggle with business letters, annual reports, website content, display advertising, sales letters, or direct mail campaigns, you can get help. So don’t sweat the small stuff!
   You can lower your tolerance to stress by letting a professional writer and editor work for you on an as-needed basis. Whatever your project, there will be a solution. You have a problem and your answer is here at Mariposa. We guarantee our work. Read our testimonials to see how some of our clients like their results. You want quality work, we provide that. Plus, we always give a little something extra. Excellence and client satisfaction are our priorities.

Tips: When you want to tell people about your business, remember that they are more interested in a solution for their problem than your business background or history. Your firm might be 150 years old, but so what? How does that help the small business owner attract more business, or solve his accounting or tax problem, or to hire highly skilled people? Remember to focus on your customer’s needs, not on your wants. 

1 comment:

  1. Show up on Time
    Do what you say
    Finish what you start
    Always say "Please" & "Thank You"
